Geolocation Behaviour

Greetings fellow Ionic brothers & sisters!

I came across some weird occurance while developing my app on iOS 8 which I was hoping some of you can help me out.

I’m currently including org.apache.cordova.geolocation to enable users to getCurrentPosition

Before I proceed, for insight, I’m actually building something along the lines of a Twitter Feed where there is pull-to-refresh to actually get new entries and so on.

In my initial test, everything seems fine and working as expected. Pull-to-refresh and initial fetching of entries all worked without a problem. The problem exists when I disable the permission for location services.

What happens is that it doesn’t display any error during initial fetching of position. But when I pull-to-refresh the feed, it shows the error of permission denied to me.

I was hoping someone can enlighten me on why this is happening because I don’t even know where to begin debugging.

Thanks alot!!