Form ionic


I try to design a form like the one below

  • the first input (From - Départ) to set the starting location
  • the second input (To - Arrivée) to set the ending location
  • On the right (double arrows) to change the order of the two location mentionned above
  • Then 3 buttons below.

Result I would like to get :

Screenshot from 2017-10-01 18:49:10

And here is my result :

Screenshot from 2017-10-01 19:31:59

Here is my code :

So nothing is centered …

<form >          
<ion-col col-9 >                                  
<ion-label fixed>From</ion-label>                        
<ion-input color="grey" type="text"  placeholder="adress 1" >
<ion-label fixed>To</ion-label>                        
<ion-input  type="text" placeholder="adress 2" >
<ion-col col-2 >                
<button  ion-button small ion-button icon-only>                    
<ion-icon name="md-shuffle">
<ion-col col-12 >                  
<button  ion-button small ion-button icon-left>                      
<ion-icon name="md-home">
<button  ion-button small ion-button icon-left>                        
<ion-icon name="md-briefcase"></ion-icon>                    
<button  ion-button small ion-button icon-left>                     
 <ion-icon name="md-walk"></ion-icon>                      

I think, even with the pre-designed ion-row and columns, you still have to do some work in your scss file for that component and set

display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center; //or some other option