Footer bar appears above Keyboard


The Footer-bar of Ionic appears above keyboard when it’s opened.
Is there some way to prevent this from occuring? I tried using class".has-footer" on ion-content but doesn’t make any change.
There is a button element as child inside Footer-bar.

I’m using Android 4.4.4 mobile.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance! :wink:

Take a look this:

Basically you need to add the hide-on-keyboard-open class to the footer and install the Ionic Keyboard plugin.

What I have found when using this with the footer ist that there is still a white bar just above the keyboard. In my case it was because the has-footer-Class adds a “bottom” value. When the keyboard opens the WebView is reduced, so you see that empty space.

.keyboard-open .has-footer {
    bottom: 0

solved this for me.


Me too!.
Thank you for this