I am going to implement firebase push notification in my app in next two days.
But first I want to know how can be done this in native android with java as a reference.
Please provide quick reference for the same.
Thank you.
To integrate firebase push notification in your app you need to first make a new app in firebase developer console.
After making app, you need to get json file from firebase console and add it to your android project.
Then some java coding to sum up the things.
Here is the firebase push notification tutorial with example in android.
If your app is controlled from remote server with data exchange between app and server, you need to make web service to send device id to server and to send push notification from server to device.
Hi Samsmart
u can use the plugin cordova plugin fcm (https://github.com/fechanique/cordova-plugin-fcm),
the install is easy, u need put the file “google-services.json” for android or “GoogleService-Info.plist” for ios in ur ionic project thats download on ur firebase dashboard
I found this link on web Ionic & Firebase Push Notification Integration. Also check Free Ionic Tutorial .