File transfer to wordpress

Hi I am working in project to upload post and feature image , Now after a lot of searching I can now Upload post and image but now I can’t know how can I use this image for this post , I am trying to get image ID after uploading but without any luck , I think if I get image id I can use it with new post ,
this is my code for uploading image

public uploadImage(img){
  let options: FileUploadOptions = {
     fileKey: 'file',
     fileName: 'name.jpg',
     mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
     headers :{
         'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.userprovider.auth}`,
    const fileTransfer: FileTransferObject = this.transfer.create();
  fileTransfer.upload(img, '', options)
   .then((data) => {
   }, (err) => {

and this is my code for new post

createReport(score: string, report: string, category: number[] = []) {'wordpress:savestatus', { state: 'saving' });

    let data = {
      title: score,
      excerpt: report,
      content: report,
      categories: category,
      status: 'pending'
    };'', data).subscribe(data => {'wordpress:savestatus', { state: 'finished' });'wordpress:createdreport');

    }, error => {'wordpress:savestatus', { state: 'error', message: error });

and I got response from uploading image with the id, but I don’t know how can I take this ID

Object {response: "{"id":853,"date":"2017-08-02T17:35:04","date_gmt":…"https:\/\/\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}", responseCode: 201, objectId: "", bytesSent: 104558}


Any Solution for your problem??
what is the img type? (data_url or File_uri)

i can implement it with ionic3

1- use camera v4 with ionic3
2- use binary file to upload
3- decrease quality of camera via option
4- use jwt plugin to authentication
5- use method
i hadnt any experience with filetransfer but of use this plugin please use version 4 with ionic3