File Opener not working


We are working on an app that is downloading a PDF file from the internet and then is showing it with “FileOpener”. It was just working fine until we have updated our app to Android SDK 32. Now the file gets downloaded ok but when we try to open it we get a “Not found error”.

Here is our code:

getPDF() {

  downloadFile(url: string) {
    if ('ios')) {
      this.pdfFileOpen(url, this.file.syncedDataDirectory);
    } else {
      this.pdfFileOpen(url, this.file.dataDirectory);

pdfFileOpen(url, fileDir) {
    const pdfFileName = url.split('/')[url.split('/').length - 1];
    this.file.createDir(fileDir, 'TempDownloads', true).then(resp => {

      this.file.checkDir(fileDir, 'TempDownloads')
      .then(_ => {
        console.log('Directory exists');

        const fileTransfer: FileTransferObject = this.fileTransfer.create();
          resp.toURL() + pdfFileName,
          { headers: { responseType: 'arraybuffer', 'Accept-Language': this.languageService.selected.toString() } }
        ).then(entry => {
            // this.fileOpener.showOpenWithDialog(resp.toURL() + pdfFileName, 'application/pdf');
            this.fileOpener.showOpenWithDialog(entry.nativeUrl, 'application/pdf'); // ERROR at this line

        }).catch(err => console.error(err));

      .catch(err => console.log("Directory doesn't exist"));

We would appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance.