File Input Type Causing NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Crash

I have implemented a file upload facility using the standard html file input tag: based on this solution: File Picker for IOS in Ionic

All works well except for a scenario on iOS where attempting to upload a video captured from the camera causes the app to crash with: “The app’s Info.plist must contain an NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.”

I thought the Info.plist file is automatically generated when iconic builds. Where can I specify this description so that it gets built into the plist file?

The other solution would be to prevent the ability to upload directly from the camera, but I don’t know if this restriction is possible.

Any ideas would be very much appreciated,

Many thanks.


You define this in config.xml.
Also make sure you are using the latest related cordova plugin version.
