file.copyFile FileError {code: 1, message: “NOT_FOUND_ERR”}

Hi, my scenario:

  1. i open a file with{mime: 'image/*'})
        .then(uri => {
        .catch(e => {

the uri is = content://

  1. resolve Native Source Path with
this.filePath.resolveNativePath(self.importedImageUrl).then(sourcePath=> {

the sourcePath is = file:///storage/0815-0815/DCIM/Camera/20210131_124359.jpg

  1. resolve Native Destiny Path
this.filePath.resolveNativePath(self.file.dataDirectory).then(destinyPath=> {

the destinyPath is = file:///data/user/0/io.ionic.starter/files/

  1. pop the file name from the sourcePath
    My Variables are now
    fromPath = file:///storage/0815-0815/DCIM/Camera/;
    fromFile = 20210131_124359.jpg;
    toPath = file:///data/user/0/io.ionic.starter/files/;
    toFile = 20210131_124359.jpg;

  2. checking if all directories and files exists

      const self = this;
      self.file.checkDir('file:///storage/0815-0815/DCIM', 'Camera')
        .then((result) => {
          console.log('checkDir', 'CHECK_001: directory :from exists :' + result);

          self.file.checkDir('file:///data/user/0/io.ionic.starter', 'files')
            .then((result) => {

              self.file.checkFile('file:///storage/0815-0815/DCIM/Camera/', '20210131_124359.jpg')
                .then((result) => {
                  return resolve(true);

                }, (error) => {
                  return reject('Source File does\'nt exists');

            }, (error) => {
              return reject('Destination Dir does\'nt exists');

        }, (error) => {
          return reject('Source Dir does\'nt exists');

everything is fine, everything exists

  1. want to copy the file to the destiny path
          this.file.copyFile(fromPath, fromFile, toPath, toFile).then(
            successTrue => {
              console.log('success: ', successTrue);
            errorMessage1 => {
              console.log('error: ', errorMessage1);

i got an error: FileError {code: 1, message: “NOT_FOUND_ERR”}

  1. i check if i can list the files in the sourcePath by
    this.file.listDir( 'file:///storage/0815-0815/DCIM/', 'Camera').then(
      (listing) => {
        console.log('listing: ', listing);
      (error) => {
        console.log('error: ', error);

the listing = // empty array

How can this be? I Choose the file by FileChooser, check everything exists
and get this error {code: 1, message: “NOT_FOUND_ERR”}

Please help. I cant find threads here with a solution in my case

By the way, i can display the choosen file in my <ion-img [src]=“getTrustImg(importedImageUrl)”>

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Looks like an Android 11 / 12 issue.
Scope storage is playing havoc.

Same thing happens to me. If I select a file from with in the "Android/media/‘’ it works fine.