Fastline error with no error message

When compiling an app for ios in simulator mode I get the following result

Running with gitlab-runner 14.8.0/1.5.0 (91f1fc78)
  on MACOS_2023_06 00b66e30
Preparing the "anka" executor
Opening a connection to the Anka Cloud Controller:
Starting Anka VM using:
  - VM Template UUID: 4c62946d-40a9-4c27-9832-22fab0cb9c6e
  - VM Template Tag Name: v2
Please be patient...
You can check the status of starting your Instance on the Anka Cloud Controller:
Verifying connectivity to the VM: build_stack_2023.06-1691573044375398000 (505e9f16-1e53-435e-bea1-89018a64e77b) | Controller Instance ID: 4400fbf4-d46b-439f-452d-d8041e444880 | Host: | Port: 10001 
VM "build_stack_2023.06-1691573044375398000" (505e9f16-1e53-435e-bea1-89018a64e77b) / Controller Instance ID 4400fbf4-d46b-439f-452d-d8041e444880 running on Node (, is ready for work (
Preparing environment
Running on via
Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes...
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/ionic-cloud-team/builds/albertagzoom/agd-app/.git/
Created fresh repository.
Checking out 7af33109 as master...
Updating/initializing submodules...
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
$ fetch-updates || true
Checking for build process updates...
$ build-ios
[09:25:06]: ---------------------------------
[09:25:06]: --- Step: add_extra_platforms ---
[09:25:06]: ---------------------------------
[09:25:06]: Setting '[:web]' as extra SupportedPlatforms
[09:25:06]: ------------------------------
[09:25:06]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[09:25:06]: ------------------------------
[09:25:06]: Driving the lane 'ios build_react_native' 🚀
[09:25:06]: ----------------------------
[09:25:06]: --- Step: begin_building ---
[09:25:06]: ----------------------------
[09:25:06]: Began building @ 2023-08-09T09:25:06
[09:25:06]: ---------------------------
[09:25:06]: --- Step: build_summary ---
[09:25:06]: ---------------------------

|                   Build Summary                   |
| Job ID              | 8824679                     |
| Node.js version     | v18.16.0                    |
| Cordova CLI version | 12.0.0 (cordova-lib@12.0.1) |
| npm version         | 8.19.4                      |
| yarn version        | 1.22.19                     |
| macOS version       | 12.6                        |
| Xcode version       | Xcode 14.3.1                |
|                     | Build version 14E300c       |

[09:25:12]: ------------------------------------
[09:25:12]: --- Step: detect_package_manager ---
[09:25:12]: ------------------------------------
[09:25:12]: Detecting package manager
[09:25:12]: Detected yarn
[09:25:12]: ---------------------------------
[09:25:12]: --- Step: add_git_credentials ---
[09:25:12]: ---------------------------------
[09:25:12]: Writing git-credentials files
[09:25:12]: git-credentials successfully added to project
[09:25:12]: --------------------------------
[09:25:12]: --- Step: get_appflow_config ---
[09:25:12]: --------------------------------
[09:25:12]: Checking for appflow.config.json
[09:25:12]: Appflow config not detected
[09:25:12]: --------------------------------
[09:25:12]: --- Step: dependency_install ---
[09:25:12]: --------------------------------
[09:25:12]: Installing Dependencies (in /Users/ionic-cloud-team/builds/albertagzoom/agd-app)
[09:25:12]: $ yarn --frozen-lockfile --ignore-optional 
[09:25:12]: â–¸ yarn install v1.22.19
[09:25:12]: â–¸ [1/4] Resolving packages...
[09:25:12]: â–¸ [2/4] Fetching packages...
[09:25:49]: â–¸ [3/4] Linking dependencies...
[09:25:49]: â–¸ warning " > react-native-barcode-builder@2.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "prop-types@^15.5.0".
[09:25:49]: â–¸ warning " > react-native-easy-toast@1.2.0" has unmet peer dependency "prop-types@^15.5.7".
[09:25:49]: â–¸ warning " > react-native-flash-message@0.1.23" has unmet peer dependency "prop-types@^15.0 || ^16.0".
[09:25:49]: â–¸ warning " > react-native-web@0.13.18" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@>=16.5.1".
[09:26:15]: â–¸ [4/4] Building fresh packages...
[09:26:17]: â–¸ Done in 64.99s.
[09:26:17]: -------------------------------
[09:26:17]: --- Step: rn_detect_variant ---
[09:26:17]: -------------------------------
[09:26:17]: Detected the React Native flavor: vanilla
[09:26:17]: ------------------------------
[09:26:17]: --- Step: rn_modify_config ---
[09:26:17]: ------------------------------
[09:26:17]: No custom native config found... skipping
[09:26:17]: -------------------------
[09:26:17]: --- Step: rn_prebuild ---
[09:26:17]: -------------------------
[09:26:17]: Generating React Native bundle
[09:26:29]: -------------------------
[09:26:29]: --- Step: upload_logs ---
[09:26:29]: -------------------------
[09:26:35]: ---------------------------
[09:26:35]: --- Step: shell command ---
[09:26:35]: ---------------------------
[09:26:35]: Shell command exited with exit status 1 instead of 0.
|                                    Lane Context                                     |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM     | ios                                                          |
| PLATFORM_NAME        | ios                                                          |
| LANE_NAME            | ios build_react_native                                       |
| NODE_PACKAGE_MANAGER | yarn                                                         |
| NATIVE_CONFIG_PATH   | /Users/ionic-cloud-team/builds/albertagzoom/agd-app/app.json |
| REACT_NATIVE_TYPE    | vanilla                                                      |
[09:26:35]: Shell command exited with exit status 1 instead of 0.

|              fastlane summary               |
| Step | Action                 | Time (in s) |
| 1    | add_extra_platforms    | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform       | 0           |
| 3    | begin_building         | 0           |
| 4    | build_summary          | 5           |
| 5    | detect_package_manager | 0           |
| 6    | add_git_credentials    | 0           |
| 7    | get_appflow_config     | 0           |
| 8    | dependency_install     | 65          |
| 9    | rn_detect_variant      | 0           |
| 10   | rn_modify_config       | 0           |
| đź’Ą   | rn_prebuild            | 12          |
| 12   | upload_logs            | 5           |
| 13   | shell command          | 0           |

[09:26:35]: fastlane finished with errors
/usr/local/Cellar/fastlane/2.213.0/libexec/bin/fastlane: \e[31m[!] Shell command exited with exit status 1 instead of 0.\e[0m (FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneShellError)
Running after_script
Running after script...
$ clean-up
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
Terminating VM: build_stack_2023.06-1691573044375398000 (505e9f16-1e53-435e-bea1-89018a64e77b) | Controller Instance ID: 4400fbf4-d46b-439f-452d-d8041e444880 | Host:
ERROR: Job failed: Process exited with status 1

It says fastline fails but the error doesn’t show up anywhere…any ideas ?
thanks a lot

Hey there! What version of React Native are you on?

“react-native”: “0.63.2”