Hi all,
I have purchased the “IonSocialApp - Ionic Social Template” in order to run Facebook login in iOS, but the “sign in with Facebook” button that actually triggers the facebookSignIn function does nothing.
However, the same cordova www code works great in Android.
I have read a thread here: https://github.com/jeduan/cordova-plugin-facebook4/issues/325
as well as the troubleshooting in the Jeduan page in Github but cannot find any solution
So, I am trying to summarize what I already did:
- created an ionic project and copied the www folder that I created in Android Studio
- added the cordova plugin: cordova plugin add https://github.com/jeduan/cordova-plugin-facebook4
- deployed on xCode 8 and iOS 10
- added missing frameworks in the “Build Phases” as suggested here (https://github.com/jeduan/cordova-plugin-facebook4/blob/master/docs/TROUBLESHOOTING.md#missing-facebookconnectplugin)
- Give the iOS application access to the Keychain Sharing capability
- updated the FacebookSDK for iOS 10:
cd cordova-plugin-facebook4/src/ios/
curl -o FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.17.0.zip https://origincache.facebook.com/developers/resources/?id=FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.17.0.zip
unzip -o FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.17.0.zip
Still nothing. When I press the facebook Login button, nothing happens.
Could you please help me on this?
Many thanks in advance