Expandable list / Click & show item in Ionic

Hi All.
Actually i am new to ionic/angularjs. Now i am creating a mobile app with ionic. The app is simply can show some of beautiful place complete with its photo and description.

Here is the detail : The app shows a page contains a list of place (actually i use ‘card’ -ionic component to display it), then when user click on each card, it will show the description and its photo.

You can check it out : http://codepen.io/harked/pen/waqqja
(It was derived from ‘accordion ionic’ code)

The problem is, when i click the first card/place, the other card also shows its description. What if i just want to show only the image+description from the clicked one?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

*Sorry if there is a same question before. this is my first post.