Event this.slides.slideTo(index); executed by typescript

hi everyone,


I am working with slides and segments, these elements each have an event for when the segments are changed, I explain. When I change a segment through the segment element I have the event (ionChange) which I change by code the slide that I find in order to have a good navigability. In turn, in the Slide element I also have the event (ionSlideWillChange) to change the slide when I change pages and change the focus of the category.
I have the problem when I change the segment manually to change the slide and I execute by typescript this.slides.slideTo (index); to change the view slide, but this event causes the event to be activated in parallel (ionSlideWillChange) thus executing double code that I do not require.
Is there any way to make this more functional or to cancel that second event?
Then place the code in question:

  <ion-toolbar class="ionToolbarPrincipal">
    <ion-buttons slot="start">
    <ion-title>Noticias Generales</ion-title>
  <ion-toolbar class="ionToolbarSegment">
    <ion-segment scrollable [(ngModel)]="categories">
      <ion-segment-button *ngFor="let category of listaCategorias; let idx=index;" (click)="CambiarCategoria(idx)" value="{{ category.id }}" >
        <ion-label class="labelTextCategoria" id="{{ category.id }}"><b>{{ category.nombre }}</b></ion-label>

    <ion-content [scrollEvents]="true">

    <ion-slides #slider [options]="sliderConfig" (ionSlideWillChange)="CambiarSlide()" (ionSlideTouchStart)="ValidarSlice()">
              <ion-card class="cardsRow" color="light" *ngFor="let card of cardCat0; let idx=index;">
                  <ion-card-title text-center class="textoTitulo">{{ card.titulo }}</ion-card-title>
                <ion-card-content class="cardContent"> 
                  <div *ngIf="card.imagen != ''">
                    <ion-img src="{{ card.imagen }}" (click)="ObtenerDatosCards(card.id)"></ion-img>
                    {{ card.detalle }}
                  <div *ngIf="card.imagen == ''">
                      <ion-label (click)="ObtenerDatosCards(card.id)">{{ card.detalle }}</ion-label>
                    <ion-col col-3 no-padding>
                      <ion-button no-margin text-center fill="clear" style="pointer-events: none;">
                        <ion-icon [name]="card.favorita"></ion-icon> 
                    <ion-col col-3 no-padding>
                      <ion-button no-margin text-center fill="clear" style="pointer-events: none;">
                        <ion-icon [name]="card.alarma"></ion-icon>
                    <ion-col col-3 no-padding>
                      <ion-button no-margin text-center fill="clear" style="pointer-events: none;">
                        <ion-icon [name]="card.guardada"></ion-icon>
                    <ion-col col-3 no-padding>
                      <ion-button no-margin float-right fill="clear" (click)="CargarBotonesOpciones(card)">
                        <ion-icon name="reorder"></ion-icon>

              <ion-card class="cardsRow" color="light" *ngFor="let card of cardCat1; let idx=index;">
                  <ion-card-title text-center class="textoTitulo">{{ card.titulo }}</ion-card-title>
                <ion-card-content class="cardContent"> 
                  <div *ngIf="card.imagen != ''">
                    <ion-img src="{{ card.imagen }}" (click)="ObtenerDatosCards(card.id)"></ion-img>
                    {{ card.detalle }}
                  <div *ngIf="card.imagen == ''">
                      <ion-label (click)="ObtenerDatosCards(card.id)">{{ card.detalle }}</ion-label>
                    <ion-col col-3 no-padding>
                      <ion-button no-margin text-center fill="clear" style="pointer-events: none;">
                        <ion-icon [name]="card.favorita"></ion-icon> 
                    <ion-col col-3 no-padding>
                      <ion-button no-margin text-center fill="clear" style="pointer-events: none;">
                        <ion-icon [name]="card.alarma"></ion-icon>
                    <ion-col col-3 no-padding>
                      <ion-button no-margin text-center fill="clear" style="pointer-events: none;">
                        <ion-icon [name]="card.guardada"></ion-icon>
                    <ion-col col-3 no-padding>
                      <ion-button no-margin float-right fill="clear" (click)="CargarBotonesOpciones(card)">
                        <ion-icon name="reorder"></ion-icon>



and typescript

    if(index == "0")
      if(this.cardCat0 != null)
    else if(index == "1")


Any comments or help will always be well appreciated by me. Have a nice day

Ok el código es muy extenso y es dificil comprender lo que tratas de hacer sin tener un contexto sobre el proyecto o lo que estas haciendo.


Thank you for your response, now the issue I have is that when I press a segment, it executes the event (click) = “CambiarCategoria(idx)” that I have configured, this in turn when entering its function I execute the following code according to some conditions Business: this.slides.slideTo (index) ;.
The problem is that when this code is executed to change the slide it ends up executing in parallel the event (ionSlideWillChange) = “ChangeSlide()” that belongs to the slide.
Is there a way to prevent this event from executing but if when I press the button on the segments it changes the slide?