Error while using $ionicHistory and $ionicScrollDelegate together

I have used $ionicScrollDelegate in a chat application. To move among states, I want to use $ionicHistory and goBack function.

The problem is that without using $ionicHistory in the controller declaration it all works fine and my messages load and i can scroll in the panel, but when i try to add $ionicHistory in my controller declaration, it starts to give an error : Error: $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle is not a function

.controller('ChatCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'MockService', '$ionicActionSheet', '$ionicPopup', '$ionicScrollDelegate', '$timeout', '$interval', function($scope, $ionicHistory,....................................)

Please help. Thanks.

@max @Ben guys any comment or suggestion? Is it an issue with ionic that adding ionicHistory makes ionicScrollDelegate stop working.