Error when i excute ionic run android

when i excute command ionic run android i get this error

Error ;source path does not exist :resources/android/icon/drawable-hdpi-icon.png

Run ionic cordova resources and try again.

@Sujan12 when i run ionic cordova resources i get this
cordova is not a valid task

Still using an old Ionic CLI version? You should update.
So long you can use ionic resources.


@Sujan12 i get this result icon floder is empty ,

Create a new project with ionic start and copy over the resources folder…
(Update to a current CLI first to make sure this will work)

Especially if you’re needing to run resources, I would recommend not upgrading past 2.2.3, as 3.x (last I checked) requires you to sign up for an Ionic account even if you don’t want to, just to run resources. 2.2.3 does not have this annoyance.

now i am getting this error

Don’t post screenshots of text.

The error message is pretty clear, isn’t it?

You can install the Android stuff one by one, of just download and install Android Studio to fix it all.

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