Trying out ionic for the first time. I am familiar with React and noticed it was a supported framework. I am on a windows 10 machine.
Followed the instructions from
- Installed nodeJS LTS latest version
- installed ionic via
- Created a project using
ionic start
- cd to project dir and tried
ionic serve
I get the following error message
[react-scripts] Starting the development server...
[react-scripts] Failed to compile.
[react-scripts] c:/Workspace/myapp/src/App.tsx
[react-scripts] TypeScript error in c:/Workspace/myapp/src/App.tsx(39,4):
[react-scripts] Type '{ children: Element; }' is missing the following properties from type 'Pick<IonicReactExternalProps<IonApp & ReactProps, HTMLIonAppElement>, "style" | "title" | "accessKey" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | ... 159 more ... | "onDblClickCapture">': style, title, accessKey, contentEditable, and 162 more. TS2740
[react-scripts] 37 |
[react-scripts] 38 | const App: React.FC = () => (
[react-scripts] > 39 | <IonApp>
[react-scripts] | ^
[react-scripts] 40 | <IonReactRouter>
[react-scripts] 41 | <IonTabs>
[react-scripts] 42 | <IonRouterOutlet>
I am not sure how to debug this issue. It worked on a different windows 10 machine, but trying to set up the environment on a second machine has been fruitless.
Any suggestions would be welcome.