Error In rendering ionic v2 app

I installed ionic v2 and i run ionic serve but i am getting error in consle. The error is Uncaught Error: Cannot find module “./www/app/app.js” . i fallowed this site for installation and to serve

Exact same here. Any solution?

Can you give me the commands you ran and run

ionic --v
cordova --v

and paste that?

I got the same error in console as descibed by @sriteja09.
For ionic --v I got : 2.0.0-alpha.9, and
for cordova --v , 4.2.0.

I’m in the same boat. On Windows, and here’s the versions:
Ionic: 2.0.0-alpha.9
Cordova: 5.3.3

Thanks for the info, @brundaged @bgoetzmann Are you also on Windows?

Yes, I’m on Windows 10.

Okay thanks! We were having some issues with Webpack on Windows and we’re working on updating all of the starters. In the meantime you can copy this file and paste it into your webpack.config.js file (at the root of your project directory).

The starters should all be updated very soon, after some testing. You won’t have to change this webpack file after they are updated when you create a new project from them. Let me know if you run into any more issues.

cc @thebosz @brundaged @sriteja09

OK for me: no more error message, thanks!


Works for me too! Thanks!

Really excited about Ionic V2, congrats to everyone!

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IT works.thanks .Ionic 2 is good