Error in any cordova plugin

I do not know what I do, any plugin Cordova using ngCordova presents the same error !

Following the example $cordovaNetwork

Console was cleared ripple.js:37
Ripple :: Environment Warming Up (Tea. Earl Gray. Hot.) ripple.js:37
GET 404 (Not Found) ripple.js:50
cordova :: Initialization Finished (Make it so.) ripple.js:37
GET 404 (Not Found) (index):21
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘type’ of undefined
at Object.getNetwork (
at new (
at invoke (
at Object.instantiate (
at forEach (
at nodeLinkFn (
at compositeLinkFn (
at publicLinkFn ( ionic.bundle.js:18930
cordova :: fired deviceready event!

I’m using for testing ripple

Please, help

Cordova.js does not exist in ripple. It is injected by Phone Gap when you package an app.

how do I test the development ?

Thanks for help !

when i run the xcode project:

2014-08-01 20:35:39.988 testeApp[1628:907] Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES
2014-08-01 20:35:40.189 testeApp[1628:907] Unlimited access to network resources
2014-08-01 20:35:41.117 testeApp[1628:907] [CDVTimer][keyboard] 0.092030ms
2014-08-01 20:35:41.118 testeApp[1628:907] CDVPlugin class CDVStatusBar (pluginName: statusbar) does not exist.
2014-08-01 20:35:41.118 testeApp[1628:907] [CDVTimer][statusbar] 0.559032ms
2014-08-01 20:35:41.119 testeApp[1628:907] [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 1.749992ms
2014-08-01 20:35:41.586 testeApp[1628:907] Resetting plugins due to page load.
2014-08-01 20:35:45.805 testeApp[1628:907] Finished load of: file:///Users/guilhermeferreira/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/6.1/Applications/CB09CEBC-7882-4780-9083-44EB69A1AC1D/

i tried all, but nothing works.
will be the macosx?
I have tried to reinstall, but nothing.
help me please.