“ionic serve” works well on my pc
since yesterday I can not run “ionic cordova run android” anymore.
the app does not build on my smartphonne and I get,
> ionic-app-scripts build --target cordova --platform android
[13:13:42] ionic-app-scripts 3.2.0
[13:13:42] build dev started ...
[13:13:42] clean started ...
[13:13:42] clean finished in 32 ms
[13:13:42] copy started ...
[13:13:42] deeplinks started ...
[13:13:42] deeplinks finished in 90 ms
[13:13:42] transpile started ...
[13:13:49] transpile finished in 6.41 s
[13:13:49] preprocess started ...
[13:13:49] preprocess finished in 1 ms
[13:13:49] webpack started ...
[13:13:49] copy finished in 6.78 s
[13:13:55] webpack finished in 6.10 s
[13:13:55] sass started ...
[13:13:56] sass finished in 1.72 s
[13:13:56] postprocess started ...
[13:13:56] postprocess finished in 14 ms
[13:13:56] lint started ...
[13:13:57] build dev finished in 14.59 s
no-unused-variable is deprecated. Since TypeScript 2.9. Please use the built-in compiler checks instead.
[13:14:02] tslint: C:/Users/ludo/Desktop/appli mobile/restful-auth/src/pages/welcome/welcome.ts, line: 4
All imports on this line are unused.
L3: import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
L4: import { TranslateHttpLoader } from '@ngx-translate/http-loader';
[13:14:02] tslint: C:/Users/ludo/Desktop/appli mobile/restful-auth/src/app/app.component.ts, line: 22
Property 'translate' is declared but its value is never read.
L21: public menu: MenuController,
L22: private translate: TranslateService) {
[13:14:02] lint finished in 5.04 s
> cordova run android
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn C:\Users\ludo\Desktop\appli mobile\restful-auth\node_modules\.bin\cordova.cmd ENOENT
at _errnoException (util.js:992:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:190:19)
at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:372:16)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
[ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova.
cordova run android exited with exit code 1.
Re-running this command with the --verbose flag may provide more information.
throw new TypeError(
TypeError: Invalid data, chunk must be a string or buffer, not object
at WriteStream.Socket.write (net.js:704:11)
at process.<anonymous> (C:\Users\ludo\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ionic\bin\ionic:9:63)
at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
at process.emit (events.js:214:7)
at emitPendingUnhandledRejections (internal/process/promises.js:108:22)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)
```I start again with --verbose
ionic:cli-utils:bootstrap local CLI 4.0.6 found at C:\Users\ludo\node_modules\ionic\package.json +0ms
ionic:cli-utils Terminal info: { tty: true, ci: false } +0ms
ionic:cli-utils CLI global options: { _: [ ‘cordova’, ‘run’, ‘android’ ], help: null, h: null, verbose: true, quiet: null,
interactive: true, color: true, confirm: null, json: null, project: null, ‘–’: } +2ms
ionic:cli-utils:lib:project Project type from config: Ionic Angular 3 (ionic-angular) +0ms
ionic:cli-utils Project name: undefined +256ms
ionic:cli Context: { binPath: ‘C:\Users\ludo\node_modules\ionic\bin\ionic’, libPath: ‘C:\Users\ludo\node_modules\ionic’, execPath: ‘C:\Users\ludo\Desktop\appli mobile\restful-auth’, version: ‘4.0.6’ } +0ms
ionic:cli-utils:lib:integrations:cordova:config Using config.xml: C:\Users\ludo\Desktop\appli mobile\restful-auth\config.xml +0ms
ionic:cli-utils:lib:integrations:cordova:config Using config.xml: C:\Users\ludo\Desktop\appli mobile\restful-auth\config.xml +41ms
ionic:cli-utils:lib:hooks Looking for ionic:build:before npm script. +0ms
ionic:cli-utils:lib:project:ionic-angular:build Looking for ionic:build npm script. +0ms
ionic:cli-utils:lib:project:ionic-angular:build Found ionic:build, but it is the default. Not running. +1ms
ionic-app-scripts build --target cordova --platform android
[13:15:39] ionic-app-scripts 3.2.0
[13:15:39] build dev started …
[13:15:39] clean started …
[13:15:39] clean finished in 20 ms
[13:15:39] copy started …
[13:15:39] deeplinks started …
[13:15:40] deeplinks finished in 90 ms
[13:15:40] transpile started …
[13:15:46] transpile finished in 6.54 s
[13:15:46] preprocess started …
[13:15:46] preprocess finished in 1 ms
[13:15:46] webpack started …
[13:15:46] copy finished in 6.90 s
[13:15:52] webpack finished in 6.08 s
[13:15:52] sass started …
[13:15:54] sass finished in 1.69 s
[13:15:54] postprocess started …
[13:15:54] postprocess finished in 13 ms
[13:15:54] lint started …
[13:15:54] build dev finished in 14.67 s
no-unused-variable is deprecated. Since TypeScript 2.9. Please use the built-in compiler checks instead.
[13:15:59] tslint: C:/Users/ludo/Desktop/appli mobile/restful-auth/src/pages/welcome/welcome.ts, line: 4
All imports on this line are unused.
L3: import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
L4: import { TranslateHttpLoader } from '@ngx-translate/http-loader';
[13:15:59] tslint: C:/Users/ludo/Desktop/appli mobile/restful-auth/src/app/app.component.ts, line: 22
Property 'translate' is declared but its value is never read.
L21: public menu: MenuController,
L22: private translate: TranslateService) {
[13:15:59] lint finished in 5.25 s
ionic:cli-utils:lib:hooks Looking for ionic:build:after npm script. +23s
cordova run android --verbose
throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event
Error: spawn C:\Users\ludo\Desktop\appli mobile\restful-auth\node_modules.bin\cordova.cmd ENOENT
at _errnoException (util.js:992:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:190:19)
at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:372:16)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
[ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova.
cordova run android --verbose exited with exit code 1.
Re-running this command with the --verbose flag may provide more information.
ionic:cli-framework:utils:process onBeforeExit handler: process.exit received +0ms
ionic:cli-framework:utils:process onBeforeExit handler: running 3 queued functions +1ms
ionic:cli-framework:utils:process error while killing process tree for 248: { Error: Command failed: taskkill /pid 248 /T /F Erreur�: le processus “248” est introuvable. at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:275:12) at emitTwo (events.js:126:13) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:925:16) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:209:5) killed: false, code: 128, signal: null, cmd: ‘taskkill /pid 248 /T /F’ } +205ms
throw new TypeError(
TypeError: Invalid data, chunk must be a string or buffer, not object
at WriteStream.Socket.write (net.js:704:11)
at process. (C:\Users\ludo\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ionic\bin\ionic:9:63)
at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
at process.emit (events.js:214:7)
at emitPendingUnhandledRejections (internal/process/promises.js:108:22)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)
after all that my app still do not want to work on my smartphonne.
Thank you for your help.