Error: Could not resolve '#' from state 'app.foobar'

Hi everyone

I’ve been struggling to figure out what triggers this error. It happens a few times when I click a button on my header

here is the code: app.js

        .state('app.foobar', {
            url: "/foobar",
            views: {
                'menuContent': {
                    templateUrl: "templates/foobar.html",
                    controller: "FooBarCtrl"


<ion-nav-buttons side="right">
    <button ui-sref="#" class="button back-button buttons button-clear header-item">

the problem is: I only got this error in this project and it only happens eventually (so I can’t reproduce on codepen properly)

I know it’s not very specific but anyone got any ideas about what could it be?


Well after a good night of sleep the problem simply was the " ui-sref="#" " link, after removing it the problem doesn’t happen anymore