Error: Could not find gradle wrapper within android sdk. Might need to update yo ur Android SDK

If you still have this issue try this:

cd my_project
cordova platform update android@6.2.1

as @brickolicious link.

worked for me.


Hey :wink:
for the

Builder builder = LatLngBounds.builder();

Error you need to open platforms -> android ->

and update the google play services library to ā€œ+ā€

at least this works for me :wink:

Yeah, thanks! Already solvedā€¦ Somehow my variable ANDROID_HOME removing after reboot. Mac OS Xā€¦ Iā€™ll get crazy soon :smiley:

have the same bug :smiley:
pls tell me if you find the solution :wink:

Thank you. That fixed my problem.

Hello guys

I am using windows 10 pro , My ANDROID_HOME is set to its proper folder in D:\sdk
and PATH is also set to %ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME\platform-tools%
and I was building apps for android before successfully

But what happened!! i donā€™tā€™ know exactly !!

I am getting this error :
"Android SDK not found. Make sure that it is installed. If it is not at the default location, set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable."

and for ionic :
"error could not find gradle wrapper within android sdk might need to update your android sdk"

please help me

This will probably solve all these problem:


Thank you so much it worked perfectly!

Check this github comment and the one after it:

Thanksā€¦ It worked for me.

Thank you so much it worked perfectly!

Oh. Ma. Gawd. That fixed it for me, too. Thanks!!!

Hello! @DaCookie I have the same problem in my Mac and in my directory /Users/username/Library I donā€™t have nothingā€¦ I have my SDK in /usr/local/share/android-sdk
I try to fix the problem like you but donā€™t work. Could you please tell me how to install SDK?
I did like this:
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew cask install android-sdk
brew cask install android-platform-tools

Is it correct? Is the best option?
Thanks in advance!!

Thanks ! This worked for me.

About the answers, the alternative that works to me was to upgrade the Cordova to android@6.2.2 :calling:

npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update android@6.2.2

Thanks for the tips guys!!
Look at the explanation.


Thank you, it worked for me

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@TomCosta Thank you, upgrading to 6.2.2 did the trick. Cheers !

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It works for me! Thanks!

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Thank you @Sujan12, its work for me

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Thanks @trisna1192. it worked.

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