ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova

Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: No profiles for ‘com.angularfire.appName’ were found: Xcode couldn’t find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ‘com.angularfire.appName’. Automatic signing is disabled and unable to generate a profile. To enable automatic signing, pass -allowProvisioningUpdates to xcodebuild.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type ‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 12.2’


The following build commands failed:
Check dependencies
(1 failure)
xcodebuild: Command failed with exit code 65
[ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova.

Building the project via cli:
sudo ionic cordova build ios -allowProvisioningUpdates

But I keep getting the error above and I have the project signed in xCode.

Please help