Equivalent of @ViewChild when using ES6 in Ionic2

First of all I am new to Ionic2 and even Ionic and Angular in general.

I am trying to implement slides and I need to have a reference to the slider so I can trigger the next event with a custom button.

To do this, it is suggested to get a reference like so (In TypeScript):
@ViewChild('slides_element_id') slider;

Since I am using ES6, it gives me:
Missing class properties transform

And this @ViewChild('onboarding_slides') slider: any;
Gives Unexpected token for the :

I see alot of people saying that this is not the way to do it in ES6 as it is not supported, and I don’t really mind because I’m not a fan of strong tying. But I see no examples on how to properly get a reference to the silder.

This didn’t work.

See this cookbook:


“Query Decorators” section

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Thank you for the quick reply.

I will try again tomorrow, I must be tired, this look more complicated than I expected. I thought it would be easy to get a reference to an element in the page.

Ok, that works.
So this TypeScript way to access a view child:

@ViewChild('mySlider') slider: Slides;

Is done by adding queries to the Component in ES6:

 queries: {
    slider: new ViewChild('mySlider')
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Pulling from the site docs

In TypeScript we can also use the queries metadata instead of the @ViewChild and @ContentChild property decorators.

So this works for both @ViewChild and @ContentChild

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Can you give more details about it? I’m trying to do something similar without any success…

Here is an example.

import {ViewChild} from 'angular2/core';

and on your Page decorators,

  templateUrl: 'build/pages/slides/slides.html',
  queries: {
    slider: new ViewChild('my_slides')

this.slider can now be called.

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Hi @epetre, didnt work for me too…

  templateUrl: 'build/pages/slides/slides.html',
  queries: {
    slider: new ViewChild('my_slides')

How can i access “queries” => “slider” key?

constructor(app, nav, slider) {
    this.slider  = slider;


Don’t do it in the constructor, it’s already assigned to this.slider by that time and you are probably overriding it with an empty object.

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This works for me…

@Page({ templateUrl: 'path/to/myfile/.html', queries: { slider: new ViewChild('slides') } })

<ion-slides pager #slides> ... </ion-slides>

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try this
import { Slides } from ‘ionic-angular’;
@ViewChild(Slides) slides: Slides;

It seems that you need to add a variable with the same name in the class to access the slider, right?

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