Enter Specific Character in the inputbox(prevent user from entering the specific character)

Hi , is there any solution in entering specific character in the inputbox?

open keyboard an write the char you want? ^^

please specify your question.

This is i want to happen :smile:

.factory(‘FactoryofQuestions’, function() {

            question: "RO RORPOEAT",
            answer: "or operator"
            question: "UARNGLA",
            answer: "angular"
            question: "AAJVRTSCIP",
            answer: "javascript"



You can try this: https://github.com/AlphaGit/ng-pattern-restrict

you can simple use ngPattern instead of external module:

<input type="text" ng-pattern="VALID_CHARACTERS_OR_REGEX">


ng-pattern will allow you to input wrong character invalidating the field. But ng-pattern-restrict will not allow you to enter wrong characters at all

yep --> then hang on ngChange --> and strip unwanted chars :wink:

or use module that already does this for you? :smiley:

yeahh and have stupid dependencies and do not care what the module really does… it takes longer to include the thing then implement a mini-function to do that.

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Can you please give me some example of what your saying , so I can understand it clearly ? THanks :slight_smile:

I did this to get the Array character length on my array ,
My questions is How can I get the array specific character and put it into this ng-pattern ?

<input type="text" ng-pattern="{{questions[1]}}"> // is this correct?

Just like this @DaDanny Example, :slight_smile:

 <input type='text' ng-value={{questions[1].maxCharLength()}}>

a little explanation --> a string is something like a array of chars —> so you can write a little function where you loop over each string char --> and push the unique characters in a temp array --> after that join them in a custom string.

Or you add an additional key to your question object --> ‘pattern’: 'ropeat ’ or as a regex /^[ropeat\s]+$/

Is this correct ?

                .factory('FactoryofQuestions', function() {
         var questions = [
            pattern: "RO RORPOEAT", // I tried to insert pattern as my object 
            answer: "or operator"
            pattern: "UARNGLA",
            answer: "angular"
            pattern: "AAJVRTSCIP",
            answer: "javascript"


In my input box , how can I call my array object in my controller and implement it on the inputbox ?

I tried to do this on my inputbox but it’s not working , can you help me fix it ?

<input type="text" ng-pattern="{{questions[1].pattern]}}"> // is this correct?

I found this directive , I think this is what I’m looking for , but I’ve got a problem , I don’t know how can I inject my array object and it’s index in this directive

.directive('productionQty', function() {
  return {
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function (scope, element, attr, ngModelCtrl) {
      function fromUser(text) {
        var transformedInput = text.replace(/[^]/g, '');
        if(transformedInput !== text) {
        return transformedInput;

But I’m having a problem ,
How can I inject these arrays

   .factory('FactoryofQuestions', function() {
             var questions = [
                pattern: "RO RORPOEAT", // I tried to insert pattern as my object 
                answer: "or operator"
                pattern: "UARNGLA",
                answer: "angular"
                pattern: "AAJVRTSCIP",
                answer: "javascript"

 return {

        getQuestion: function(id) {
            if(id < questions.length) {
                return questions[id];
            } else {
                return false;
        questions : questions



in this input box ?

<input production-qty="I want to inject my array here" type="text" name="answer" >

I don’t know what I’m gonna do with this line in my directive , can I call this transformedInput into the inputbox ?

 var transformedInput = text.replace(/[^In This part accepts all the letters that are here]/g, '');

I tried ng-pattern of @bengtler and ng-pattern-restrict of @yurinondual but it’s not working :cry:
Is there any other solution , other than this , Or I’m just wrong with doing this code ? Please help me.

create a simple plunkr with your attempt please

Here is my example can you help me fix it please :pensive:

Something like that?

by the way, it is nothing to do with Ionic, this is Angular/javascript question

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Yes , but the my array I want to get is in my factory , How can we declare the array from the factory and call it into the inputbox ?

<input production-qty="call The Arrays here and it's index" type="text" maxlength="20" ng-model="qty1">

This is my array factory
.factory(‘QuestionFactory’,function() {

   var questions = [
            pattern: "RO RORPOEAT", // I tried to insert pattern as my object 
            answer: "or operator"
            pattern: "UARNGLA",
            answer: "angular"
            pattern: "AAJVRTSCIP",
            answer: "javascript"


return {

    getQuestion: function(id) {
        if(id < questions.length) {
            return questions[id];
        } else {
            return false;
    questions : questions


Like that?

Yes, can you do with the specific index of an array ? like this :smile:

this is the array index 1


this is the array index 2
