Embed webpage in Ionic 2 Content

I am looking to integrate Propay in an Ionic2 app that I am working on. The problem is propay does not allow applications to touch credit card details, so their payment page will have to be embed. This payment page also depends on Jquery, SignalR and a JavaScript page to handle user actions on the page. I searched online and everything I’m seeing is pointing to Ionic1. Can someone give me an idea on how to make this possible?


did you try to add and test the “cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview” look at https://crosswalk-project.org/
Hope it helps.

Thanks, I will give it a try!

You could open the web page in Cordova’s in-app browser (a native plugin) and pass data back to the app when the payment was successful. I haven’t done this, but this tutorial seems good.