Dynamic TemplateUrl based on User Role

Hi ,

i have the following code :

.state(‘service_tab.home’, {
url: ‘/home’,
views: {
‘service_home-tab’: {
//templateUrl: ‘templates/staff/service_home.html’,
templateUrl: function() {
if (false) {
return “templates/staff/service_home.html”;
else {
return “templates/student/service_home.html”;
controller: ‘service_HomeTabCtrl’
} ,
data: {
authorizedRoles: [USER_ROLES.staff ]

the above code only works if the condition is True ,
i need to dynamically redirect the user based on the USER_ROLES

thank you

the first answer seems promising.

Check templateProvider :wink:

Thankx for the quick replay , but what i need exactly is getting authorizedRoles value daynamically from e.g. localstorage …etc

data: {
authorizedRoles: [USER_ROLES.staff ]

sorry , i got it , using templateprovider

      .state('service_tab.home', {url: '/home',
      views: {

          'service_home-tab': {
              controller: 'service_HomeTabCtrl',
              templateProvider: ['localStorageService','$stateParams','$templateFactory'            ,function(localStorageService,$stateParams,$templateFactory){                      
                  var authData = localStorageService.get('authorizationData');
                  if (authData) {
                     if (authData.role == 'staff'){
                        return $templateFactory.fromUrl('templates/staff/service_home.html',$stateParams);
                        return $templateFactory.fromUrl('templates/student/service_home.html',$stateParams);