Downloading files in Ionic using cordova-plugin-file-transfer

@pengzong I do not think it will work on a simulator - please try it on a device and post the error log.

Btw the first argument should be the image location, the second the target location. See here for example of which directory to save to:

Thanks!It`s worked!My file location is wrong.

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This is my code;
downloadImage(image) {

this.platform.ready().then(() => {

  const fileTransfer = new Transfer();
  const imageLocation = `${cordova.file.applicationDirectory}www/assets/img/${image}`;
  // console.log(imageLocation,this.storageDirectory + image);, this.storageDirectory + image).then((entry) => {
    const alertSuccess = this.alertCtrl.create({
      title: `Download Succeeded!`,
      subTitle: `${image} was successfully downloaded to: ${entry.toNativeURL()}`,
      buttons: ['Ok']


  }, (error) => {

    const alertFailure = this.alertCtrl.create({
      title: `Download Failed!`,
      subTitle: `${image} was not successfully downloaded. Error code: ${error.code}`,
      buttons: ['Ok']




I referred from git hub. it showing success message but file is missing in destination folder.
I think there is an error in download. plz help…

I have an requirement to cancel the download if i click cancel icon its possible to do that anyone help me.
I already started the download for 3 files if i want to cancel the second file download means how to do that help me

console.dir({"key": "value"})

I have a question to Your project. It saves file in then application folder but I would like to save it in Downloads folder. Im struggling with this a lot, I even got feeling that it is not possible to do it via Ionic. It seems I cannot access anything outside of the application folder. Would You like to tell me how to achieve that?

There are some examples on StackOverflow that should help:

Thank for the answer but i still could not resolve this issue. Particularly I have problem with using “window.requestFileSystem()”. I don’t inderstand how to use it, visual studio code shows that window has no method like this.
I described my problem here

Hi, I was able to download the file successfully in Ionic iOS. The file path after the successful download is like this.


The above file is an image, but I’m not getting where this file is physically present on my iPhone 6s. I checked in photos app but it is not there. Any help would be appreciated.