Does the latest version 8.4.0 support Angular 19? But there will be some issues during my testing

Does the latest version 8.4.0 support Angular 19? But there will be some issues during my testing

 ng.cmd run app:build
Initial chunk files   | Names                |  Raw size | Estimated transfer size
chunk-2OIZN2QB.js     | -                    | 374.31 kB |                89.74 kB
styles-VWBWJEPQ.css   | styles               |  39.02 kB |                 6.14 kB
chunk-NIOQNOHM.js     | -                    |  38.38 kB |                12.68 kB
polyfills-4BK4MXU4.js | polyfills            |  34.73 kB |                11.41 kB
chunk-DFNAMILR.js     | -                    |  10.37 kB |                 2.67 kB
chunk-3JATT76J.js     | -                    |   9.29 kB |                 3.46 kB
chunk-JWIEPCRG.js     | -                    |   5.83 kB |                 2.15 kB
chunk-RUY5SX76.js     | -                    |   3.21 kB |                 1.41 kB
chunk-XODSA4YU.js     | -                    |   2.47 kB |               885 bytes
chunk-QPVVTFFW.js     | -                    |   1.02 kB |                 1.02 kB
chunk-RW4GY4BD.js     | -                    | 986 bytes |               986 bytes
main-AMAACPMJ.js      | main                 | 964 bytes |               964 bytes
chunk-JX3TYZ34.js     | -                    | 949 bytes |               949 bytes
chunk-YTQGYNLW.js     | -                    | 946 bytes |               946 bytes
chunk-L222AEIJ.js     | -                    | 876 bytes |               876 bytes
chunk-J6ICYO4L.js     | -                    | 557 bytes |               557 bytes
chunk-F7XBNY6P.js     | -                    | 183 bytes |               183 bytes
chunk-4U6PRYVA.js     | -                    | 126 bytes |               126 bytes
chunk-LF5XB4YN.js     | -                    |  99 bytes |                99 bytes

                      | Initial total        | 524.32 kB |               137.24 kB

Lazy chunk files      | Names                |  Raw size | Estimated transfer size
chunk-36IXHI5E.js     | input-shims          |   4.93 kB |                 1.90 kB
chunk-7HI2BJAU.js     | shadow-css           |   4.17 kB |                 1.87 kB
chunk-6U3KMCUB.js     | tabs-routes          |   2.99 kB |                 1.16 kB
chunk-EMHAADGS.js     | index9               |   1.60 kB |               748 bytes
chunk-6O4A6VM3.js     | tab1-page            |   1.19 kB |               558 bytes
chunk-WFTDBTR5.js     | tab2-page            |   1.19 kB |               559 bytes
chunk-QRZG34D7.js     | tab3-page            |   1.19 kB |               559 bytes
chunk-Y4MSNHDV.js     | -                    | 961 bytes |               961 bytes
chunk-6DX4B6A7.js     | focus-visible        | 952 bytes |               952 bytes
chunk-BAY5YN7P.js     | swipe-back           | 685 bytes |               685 bytes
chunk-SKCTWWH5.js     | status-tap           | 567 bytes |               567 bytes
chunk-DCMKBIRX.js     | keyboard2            | 404 bytes |               404 bytes
chunk-WCTPDOF5.js     | hardware-back-button | 314 bytes |               314 bytes
chunk-KSN43HVX.js     | ios-transition       | 282 bytes |               282 bytes
chunk-Y2JL55CR.js     | md-transition        | 267 bytes |               267 bytes
...and 1 more lazy chunks files. Use "--verbose" to show all the files.

Application bundle generation complete. [6.369 seconds]

▲ [WARNING] The glob pattern import("./**/*.entry.js*") did not match any files [empty-glob]

      82 │   `./${bundleId}.entry.js${BUILD4.hotModuleReplacement && hmrVersi...
         ╵   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

▲ [WARNING] 21 rules skipped due to selector errors:
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-start -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-start:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-end -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-end:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-sm-start -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-sm-start:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-sm-end -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-sm-end:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-md-start -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-md-start:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-md-end -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-md-end:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-lg-start -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-lg-start:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-lg-end -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-lg-end:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-xl-start -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-xl-start:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-xl-end -> Unknown pseudo-class :host-context([object Object])
  .ion-float-xl-end:dir(rtl) -> Unknown pseudo-class :dir
  .loading-modal::part(content) -> Pseudo-elements are not supported by css-select
1 Like

These warnings are here since standalone components mode, and appear also for Angular 17 and 18 for instance.

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