November 23, 2020, 6:41am
I want to pass data between components, and the regular vue router supports passing props to route components .
Now, this is simply a convenience from just taking the params off the route, but it is nice and clean to just put them on the props. So in theory I should be able to do:
path: '/results/history/:id',
name: 'ResultHistory',
component: ResultHistory,
props: true
In my routes, and then just do:
props: {
id: number
in my ResultHistory component, and the vue router would automatically put the value in the prop, so if I visited /results/history/7
, i could simply access props.id
and the number 7 would be there. Yet, this doesn’t seem to work for me in Ionic.
I can of course still get the params off the route directly, but is there a way to make props work?
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I don’t know the answer to this but I am interested to see if the is a solution…
you are referencing the wrong version of the router documentation, should be using this, https://next.router.vuejs.org/guide/
do you have a small sample project showing this issue?
November 23, 2020, 9:41pm
You are correct, I did notice that, however that section of the docs appears to be identical for vue router v4: https://next.router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/passing-props.html#passing-props-to-route-components
I can throw together a simple sample here probably.
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Ionic Vue does support router props. Make sure you are on @ionic/vue@5.5.0
and @ionic/vue-router@5.5.0
or newer as those releases fixed a few bugs with this.
November 30, 2020, 11:10pm
Updated to those new versions and this works fine now. Thanks!
December 1, 2020, 12:51am
Actually unfortunately I may have spoken too soon. It does partially work, however function props don’t work, as per the vue router docs: https://next.router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/passing-props.html#function-mode
If i attempt to do a function for props like in the example, route.params
comes back undefined.
function dynamicPropsFn (route) {
const now = new Date()
return {
name: (now.getFullYear() + parseInt(route.params.years)) + '!'
I wanted to be able to convert an id to a number, but it seems i can’t, at least on with the way it works right now.
You can seen an official example here:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import Hello from './Hello.vue'
function dynamicPropsFn (route) {
const now = new Date()
return {
name: (now.getFullYear() + parseInt(route.params.years)) + '!'
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: __dirname,
routes: [
{ path: '/', component: Hello }, // No props, no nothing
{ path: '/hello/:name', component: Hello, props: true }, // Pass route.params to props
{ path: '/static', component: Hello, props: { name: 'world' }}, // static values
This file has been truncated. show original
Thanks! Looks like the issue is on our end. We should be providing the injected route, not matchedRouteRef
here: https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/blob/4f4f31b65e48294c3130ff24ae00b1a2aa1f9d31/packages/vue/src/components/IonRouterOutlet.ts#L384
I can merge a fix in tomorrow, but as a temporary workaround you can inject the route yourself.
import { routeLocationKey } from 'vue-router';
import { inject } from 'vue';
function dynamicPropsFn () {
const now = new Date()
const route = inject(routeLocationKey);
return {
name: (now.getFullYear() + parseInt(route.params.years)) + '!'
December 1, 2020, 1:21am
Thanks so much for the fast reply!
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Created a PR here: https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/pull/22605
A fix should be available in one of the upcoming releases of Ionic Framework.
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