Disabling screenshots and screen recording

I need to block users from taking screenshots or screen recording while app is running.
Atleast I need to block screenshots.

In Android, I have achieved both features, thanks to great plugin PrivacyScreenPlugin.

But, for iPhone devices none of above mentioned feature is working.
I have raised an issue in plugin’s repo in a hope of getting some solution :slight_smile:

Has anyone achieved this feature in Ionic project?

I don’t think so, but can we achieve similar feature using Screenshot plugin mentioned in Ionic documentations?

Apps like Snapchat(blurrs entire screen) and Yovo(adds fast moving lines on images) are doing this. But I have no idea how we can achieve this.

I am able to detect screenshot event generated by iPhone devices by help of cordova-plugin-detect-screenshot.

Now, only thing I need to do is to immidiately delete the last snapshot taken by the iPhone device.

I have already tried blurring screen as soon as app detects screenshot event. But that happens only after when screenshot has been taken. :rofl:

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Hi Sujit,

I’m facing the same issue in iOS. Could you please share your code to delete the last snapshot?


In some banking apps I’ve noticed that you can’t make screenshot at all. Maybe you could look into that.

I even tried that.The plugin works fine in android, but in iOS i could not find a work around

I haven’t implemented it yet. Also, I couldn’t find any plugin which can do so.

There are few open issues regarding that.
Try checking there for a solution or if you find any, it will be great if you can suggest them to add it to the plugin.

hi bro, you managed to block the screenShot?? :decepcionado:

Bro, I couldn’t manage to achieve this feature for iOS till I was working on that paroject. Please try cordova-plugin-privacyscreen, it has a recent commit for latest iOS support. You may also check cordova-plugin-prevent-screenshot if the prior one doesn’t work. Let us know if any of above plugins work for you in iOS.

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I try cordova plugin privacyscreen cannot work on iphone and I try to use screenshieldkit, but I dont know how to integrate? can someone help me?

In order to use screenshieldkit in Ionic, you require a JavaScript middleware/interface of this plugin. Please check with plugin’s owners if they provide anything for it.

Thank you, it works.