Disable BACK Button for specific View

I’ve an app with sidemenu.
1. Menu: There are 3 items in the sidemenu.
2. Items: When we click on first menu link, we get a page with list of items.
3. Tabs: When someone clicks on an item, they are taken to a page with 3 tabs.
4. History Stack: In this tabbed page, for each tab navigation the history stack gets added.

Question: Can we change the history stack and point to the Items(2) page from each tab?
Is there a way we can guide the navigation of the back button? i.e., manually assign the link to this button.

My app has 3 menu items.
Each menu item is linked to a page which has some list of items.
When these individual item is clicked, it takes to tabbed page.

When the user clicks on the backbutton, when they are on any of the tabbed page, they must return to their corresponding page with the list of items - and not keep navigating between tabs which they might have visited previously.

Can anyone please guide me with this …