Deviceready takes forever to fire on iOS...more than 20 seconds

I deviceready doesn’t fire or fires very late in my ionic app when I run it on my iOS device with

ionic run ios --device -lcs

I removed all the plugins with ionic plugin rm ..., deleted the content of the plugins/ directory and reinstalled them.
I also removed and reinstalled the ios platform with ionic platform rm/add ios.

I am stuck with this.

The iPhone (6+) is on iOS 10.

I am using ionic 1, and the last ionic CLI.

Any idea ?


Process 663 detached
(node:26790) DeprecationWarning: Using Buffer without `new` will soon stop working. Use `new Buffer()`, or preferably `Buffer.from()`, `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` or `Buffer.alloc()` instead.

14    030280   warn     Native: deviceready did not fire within 2000ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.
15    030605   info     [object Object]
16    033286   log      deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.
17    033290   log      Channel not fired: onCordovaInfoReady
18    033293   log      Channel not fired: onCordovaConnectionReady
19    363977   log      DEVICE READY FIRED AFTER, 32259, ms

Here’s my run.js:

/* globals angular, navigator, window */
		.module('', [])
				[        '$rootScope','$translate','$cordovaGoogleAnalytics','connectionStatus','updateProDB','$ionicPlatform','$q','$cordovaStatusBar','$cordovaSplashscreen','storageService','imagesService','UserService','usersDatabase','MigrationService','$ionicDeploy','$state','$timeout',

				function ($rootScope , $translate , $cordovaGoogleAnalytics , connectionStatus , updateProDB , $ionicPlatform , $q , $cordovaStatusBar , $cordovaSplashscreen , storageService , imagesService , UserService , usersDatabase , MigrationService , $ionicDeploy , $state , $timeout) {
				'use strict';

						//We update the database and all

				$rootScope.imagesUrlsAreStored = $q.defer();
				$rootScope.prodataIsStored = $q.defer();
				//$rootScope.isMobile = ionic.Platform.isWebView();
				$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){ 
					    $rootScope.previousState = fromState;
					    $rootScope.previousParams = fromParams;

				$rootScope.$on('$translateChangeSuccess', function (event, data) {
					document.documentElement.setAttribute('lang', data.language);// sets "lang" attribute to html to be able to tune css upon language

				// AdMob
				// var $rootScope.admobid = {};

				if( ionic.Platform.isAndroid() ) { 
				  $rootScope.admobid = { // for Android
				    // banner: '0',
				    interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-8847512660775862/1367749437',
				    interstitialTesting: false
				} else if( ionic.Platform.isIOS() ) {
				  $rootScope.admobid = { // for iOS
				  	//for now iOS version is a paid app !

				function initAds() {
					console.log("initAds is run");
					if(typeof AdMob === "undefined"){
						console.log( 'admob plugin not ready, AdMob is undefined' ); return; 
					} else {
						// //this will create a banner on startup
						// AdMob.createBanner( {
						//   adId: $rootScope.admobid.banner,
						//   position: AdMob.AD_POSITION.BOTTOM_CENTER,
						//   isTesting: true, // TODO: remove this line when release
						//   overlap: false,
						//   offsetTopBar: false,
						//   bgColor: 'black',
						//   autoShow:true
						// } );

						// this will load a full screen ad on startup
							adId: $rootScope.admobid.interstitial,
							isTesting: $rootScope.admobid.interstitialTesting, // TODO: remove this line when release
							autoShow: false


				$ionicPlatform.ready(function () {

					console.log("Platform Ready !")

					if( ionic.Platform.isAndroid() ) { 
					$ionicDeploy.check().then(function(snapshotAvailable) {
					  // When snapshotAvailable is true, you can apply the snapshot
					  if (snapshotAvailable) {
					  	$ {
					$rootScope.isMobile = ionic.Platform.isWebView();

					if (typeof analytics !== "undefined") {

					} else {
						console.log("Google Analytics plugin Unavailable");

// localStorage.clear();

					// Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
					// for form inputs)
					if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
						// cordova.plugins.Keyboard.shrinkView(true);
					if (window.StatusBar) {
						// org.apache.cordova.statusbar required

					if ($rootScope.isMobile) {
						if (navigator.globalization) {
							navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(function (language) {
								$translate.use((language.value).split('-')[0]).then(function (data) {
									console.log('SUCCESS -> ' + data);
								}, function (error) {
									console.log('ERROR -> ' + error);
							}, null);
					} else {
						var lang;
						if (navigator.userLanguage) {// Explorer
							lang = navigator.userLanguage;
						} else if (navigator.language) { // FF
							lang = navigator.language;
						} else {
							lang = 'en';
						$translate.use(lang.split('-')[0]).then(function (data) {
							console.log('SUCCESS -> ' + data);
						}, function (error) {
							console.log('ERROR -> ' + error);

					if ($rootScope.isMobile) {
						cordova.getAppVersion(function (version) {
							if (!storageService.get('appVersion')) {
								storageService.persist('appVersion', 0);
							var PrevAppVersion = storageService.get('appVersion');
							if (version !== PrevAppVersion) {
								storageService.persist('thisIsANewAppVersion', '1');
								var user = storageService.get('user');
							} else {
								storageService.persist('thisIsANewAppVersion', '0');
							storageService.persist('appVersion', version);

					console.log('connectionStatus: ', connectionStatus.f());
					var promiseUpdateProDB = updateProDB.get(),
							oldCount = storageService.get('sessionCounter'),
							newCount = oldCount === null ? 1 : parseInt(oldCount, 10) + 1;

	                    function () {
	                        var prodata = storageService.get('prodata');
	                        if (storageService.get('onboardingDone') === 'yes') {
	                        	$state.go('app.weightlevel').then(function() {
	                        if ($rootScope.isMobile){
	                        } else {
	                        	$state.go('app.onboarding').then(function() {
								   	if ($rootScope.isMobile){                            
						                $timeout(function () {
						                }, 1000);
	                   //      if ($rootScope.isMobile){                            
	                   //          $timeout(function () {
				                //   $cordovaSplashscreen.hide();
				                // }, 1000);
	                   //      }
	                    function (error) {
	                        console.log('imagesUrl have not been managed !!')


					// window.plugins.OneSignal.setLogLevel({logLevel: 4, visualLevel: 4});

					// var notificationOpenedCallback = function(jsonData) {
					//       console.log('notificationOpenedCallback: ' + JSON.stringify(jsonData));
					// };

					var notificationOpenedCallback = function(result) {
					  var data = result.notification.payload.additionalData;
					  if (data && data.targetUrl) {
					    console.log("data.targetUrl", data.targetUrl);
					    //var state = $injector.get($state);

					if ($rootScope.isMobile) {
					      .startInit("8e9f4104-3393-4ee4-9061-1d07a4d56e38", "1039432660734")
					      .handleNotificationReceived(function(jsonData) {
					          //alert("Notification received:\n" + JSON.stringify(jsonData));
					          console.log('Did I receive a notification: ' + JSON.stringify(jsonData));
					//DEBUG !!! infocusdisplaying

					// Sync hashed email if you have a login system or collect it.
					//   Will be used to reach the user at the most optimal time of day.
					// window.plugins.OneSignal.syncHashedEmail(userEmail);

					//user sessions counter
					storageService.persist('sessionCounter', newCount);


Can anyone help me here ?

Should I use the package hook or something ?

When I remove the plugin cordova-plugin-network-information, the event deviceready fires quickly… any idea what’s wrong ?

Test your app with another network. If it worked fine then it will be your network issue. If not worked then try to remove current network plugin and build your app. add back the network plugin and recompile you app

Thanks for your response @baviskarmitesh. But I had to add gap to the content security policy and now it seems to work.

I added data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'after default-src * like this:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content=" default-src * data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *; connect-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob: ws: *; ">