Device enter key detector


What I’m looking for is to run the Search function when the device’s enter key is pressed but I can’t do it. If with onIonChange I can filter the words

What event is necessary to use to detect the enter on the device?

const Search = () =>{
  //do something
const Words = (value:any) =>{
  //do something
      <IonSearchbar debounce={500} type="text" onIonChange={e => {Words(e.detail.value!)}} onIonInput={ Search} ></IonSearchbar>

I don’t know React, but I’ve done it in Angular by wrapping the input in a form tag and setting the form submit to the function to call:

<form (submit)="switchUser()">
      <ion-input type="password" inputmode="tel" #pinInput [(ngModel)]="enteredPin" name="enteredPin"></ion-input>
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In Angular it’s way more easier by just using (keyup.enter)="...".

I found this Thread for React: javascript - How to handle the `onKeyPress` event in ReactJS? - Stack Overflow

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I found the solution in ReactJS

const SearchBar= ( ) =>{
  const SearchF= (value:any) =>{
    if(value == "Enter"){
    //  console.log("Enter key pressed")
      <IonSearchbar placeholder={txt} onKeyPress={e=> SearchF(e.key)} onIonChange={e => { {Words(e.detail.value!)})}}  ></IonSearchbar>