Delay in receiving local notifications

We are using Capacitor Local Notification plugin in our application. When notifications are scheduled at certain time, there is some delay in receiving the local notifications. some times it takes 15 sec to 2 min of delay. The below is the code how we scheduled from code side. From code we are passing as a list and sending it to schedule function.


                    id: <ID>,
                    body: <BODY>,
                    smallIcon: <ICON>,
                    iconColor: <COLOE>,
                    schedule: { at: new Date(new Date().getTime() + snoozetime * 60000) }

Here snoozetime is a variable, it could be 1 min / 2 min / 5 min / 10 min
Below is the code for scheduling the notification:

LocalNotifications.schedule({notifications:notificationList}).then(result =>{
                } else {

Are you experiencing this on iOS or Android? If Android, there are a a couple of things.

First, you need allowWhileIdle: true for notifications to work during Doze mode.

Then you need to make sure you’ve added the required permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml. Using the recommended SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM doesn’t guarantee exact alarms. You might need to use USE_EXACT_ALARM but be sure to read the details on it.

I am seeing this in Android. The mobile is in foreground and the application is running. still there is delay in notifications.
All the required permissions are given in the AndroidManifest.xml and already using SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM.