Defaulting a button state in a button bar

I’m using an inline button bar to offer two different views of data: a list of names sorted alphabetically and a “party” view where data is grouped by the primary registrant (the gray buttons here):

I’d like to tie these to a model variable and default one of them to its “on” state. How do I do that?

It’s kind of like radio buttons, but I don’t want them in list form.

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Hi @AdamTuttle,

It depends on how you’re creating the button bar. Could you show us some markup from it?

<li class="item item-positive item-text-wrap">
	<div class="button-bar button-bar-inline">
		<a class="button" ng-click="setPartyMode(false)"><i class="icon ion-android-sort"></i></a>
		<a class="button" ng-click="setPartyMode(true)"><i class="icon ion-ios7-people"></i></a>

You can use ng-class from angular.

<li class="item item-positive item-text-wrap">
  <div class="button-bar button-bar-inline">
    <a class="button" ng-click="setPartyMode(false)" ng-class="{'active': isPartyMode}"><i class="icon ion-android-sort"></i></a>
    <a class="button" ng-click="setPartyMode(true)" ng-class="{'active': !isPartyMode}"><i class="icon ion-ios7-people"></i></a>

Cool thanks, that makes sense. If the active class is documented, I couldn’t find it. :smile: