Customizing ion-fab


I want to style my fab button.
So, in my template I have

<ion-fab bottom right>
  <button ion-fab background="getFabGradient()" >
    <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>

this works when

  getFabGradient() { 
    return "linear-gradient(darkorange, orange, green, darkblue, red)";

It does not work when

  getFabGradient() { 
    return "conic-gradient(darkorange, orange, green, darkblue, red)";

Why does the first work and the second doesn’t??
How do I get my conic gradient?


hello i have solution for you :slight_smile:

you can use this code for apply gradient.

in html file

<ion-fab bottom right>
  <button ion-fab (click)="getFabGradient()" [class.gradient_background]  = "flag">
    <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>

in scss

     background: conic-gradient(darkorange, orange, green, darkblue, red);

in ts file

flag = false;
this.flag = true;


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hello abhayjani,

works :wink:

Thank you