Customize notification messages, alert title

Good evening,

I set up my application on the pushwoosh plugins for notification.
I work on ios / android and I have followed the tutotriel pushwoosh that provides on its website here ->

Everything works well on ios and android.

And when I get the notification I wish it just shows me the name of the application and the message

because I receive such messages index.html …

it is possible to display the name of the application instead of index.html in the alert?

thank you

I edit my message

I understood how to do it
one must also comment on this line
=> //alert(message);

  //set push notifications handler
    function(event) {
      var message = event.notification.message;
      var userData = event.notification.userdata;

      //alert("Push message opened: " + message);

      //dump custom data to the console if it exists
      if (typeof(userData) != "undefined") {
        console.warn('user data: ' + JSON.stringify(userData));