<ion-select interface=“action-sheet” placeholder=“address” [(ngModel)]=“AddressId” (ionChange)=“selectAddress(AddressId)”>
<ng-container *ngFor=“let ad of userAddresses”>
ion-select-option value=“0”> current location</ion-select-option
ion-select-option value=“new”>add new address</ion-select-option
i want to customize ion-select-option to add ion-icon at start and add some margins. i tried everything but nothing worked. i would be very thankful if you help me
You can get help from this ionic forum question link
nothing worked for me in this post
Hi, I think you could try this solution:
for now - why don’t you fake it, use an ion-item, stick an icon with the down arrow in the end slot.
Then on click, show your picker interface programmatically.
Set the ion-item label to whatever your choice is.quote from daveshirman’s comment at feat: Add 'picker' interface for ion-select component · Issue #20317 · ionic-team/ionic-framework · GitHub
I also made a stackblitz playground as a proof of concept, it seems to work really nice.
By doing this way, you can directory modify the button (ion-button: Style Buttons with Custom CSS Properties) and the action sheet (ion-action-sheet: Action Sheet Dialog for iOS and Android) to make it fit your design.
Hope this is helpful
No need to add extra package for something so simple. Just place the icon tag within the ion-select tag and use css to position it. Example below:
.select-icon {
position: fixed;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;