Hey there,
I’m using the current version (V2) of the cordova-plugin-googlemaps.
I want to have a custom info window when clicking on a marker. Currently I’m trying this with the HtmlInfoWindow property.
I’m using the ionic template to render the HTML with Ionic elements but somehow the data binding didn’t work.
I already created an issue but the developer couldn’t help me there.
This is what my implementation looks like:
var htmlInfoWindow = new plugin.google.maps.HtmlInfoWindow();
var html =
<ion-avatar item-left>
<img src="{{selectedReport.pinImage}}"/>
<ion-label text-wrap>{{selectedReport.description}}</ion-label>
<ion-label text-wrap>{{selectedReport.address}}</ion-label>
Maybe someone will have another solution?
Thank you for help L)