Custom fonts sass import

Hello everyone,
newbie here. I want to include custom font (Flaticon) in my application. I have received the font from our graphic designer. It consists of of a scss, eot, svg, ttf and woff file. I have followed all the steps mentioned here ionic forum fonts , but I got stuck at the import in app.core.sccs .
Sass gulp task says:
File to import not found or unreadable: Flaticon
Fonts are build with the fonts gulp task to www/build/fonts - this works, but I am failing to use them. When I try to include @import "../../fonts/flaticons/flaticon.scss"; sass task works, but I am still unable to use them in app. The font should be used as such:
<span class="flaticon-airplane49"></span> - but nothing happens.
The built css files in www/build/css have the custom css included, but cannot resolve the urls
src: url("./Flaticon.eot");
I think the problem is in referencing the font in app.core.scss
Thank you

You could put the fonts in www, something like www/assets/fonts/flaticon/flaticon.eot for example and modify the @font-face in the scss with assets/fonts/flaticon/flaticon.eot