@HugoHeneault, thanks for providing your sample style.
I’ve adapted the style provided by @HugoHeneault to better fit my applications. More specifically, I needed to support printing content that appears in a modal overlay (modal overlay to an active/shown page). It also supports non-modal content (arbitrary content in ion-content containers). I added some basic documentation as I tested and tweaked things.
The result is based on my observations; it may not work in all situations. Similarly, I tried to remove anything that wasn’t explicitly needed for my application.
The overall key when printing Ionic content is to override the height of content containers. When printing “height: 100%” refers to the height of a single page (as configured in the print dialog). The presence of “height: 100%” is effectively a death blow to spanning content to multiple pages.
Hope this variation can help someone! If you have questions, I can try to answer them.
// @media print styles are included to improve layout and content when printing in the web application.
@media print {
// Within this print style, contain overrides are needed for reliable rendering in browsers that support it (Chrome).
// contain is set by Ionic for several components. Ionic sets contain based on assumptions about content (e.g. the
// size of child content cannot affect the height of the parent container. These assumptions no longer hold true
// for the CSS used during printing. If we do not set contain to none, the browser does not think the content
// can change, so it does not even consider rendering the new styles and layouts.
// Certain content (e.g. headers and footers) are not useful in printed material. These objects also negatively affect
// the layout of certain content. In many cases they appear on top of the "main" content.
ion-header, ion-backdrop, .tabbar, ion-footer {
display: none !important;
// ion-nav needs to be treated special compared to the containers below. It is possible for an ion-nav to be present
// at a similar level to the container of the modal (ion-modal). If the position of ion-nav is set to relative it
// will always be displayed before the modal content. This causes the modal content to come after the ion-nav
// content, which is undesirable in all situations I've tested.
ion-nav {
contain: none;
overflow: visible;
// When printing, we want to treat an active modal or page as "full" content. We allow overflow and let the content
// determine the height of the container. We need to ensure the content as well as the content containers are
// updated. If a modal is active, the modal will be displayed in the printed content. Worth noting: using .app-root
// appears to cover ion-app, so ion-app is not included directly. Also, the items have been sorted based on scope.
ion-modal.show-page .modal-wrapper,
ion-modal.show-page .ion-page.show-page,
ion-modal.show-page .ion-page.show-page > ion-content,
.ion-page.show-page > ion-content,
contain: none;
position: relative;
height: auto;
overflow: visible;
// When we are printing, we want to remove the default margin-top. The margin-top is needed so that scrollable content
// is not hidden under the nav bar at the top of the page. When printing, the nav bar is not included, so the margin
// is not needed.
.fixed-content, .scroll-content {
margin-top: 0 !important;