Interesting situation here while doing final testing for my app which I want to release this week.
I have a CSS background image in the main tab of my tab page app, as so:
<ion-view title="MyApp" style="background-image: url('img/backgrounds/{{ bgImage }}.jpg'); background-size: cover;" hide-nav-bar="true">
As you can see, I am using a generated variable to show different images in the background depending on certain app conditions.
Now, the image shows up perfectly in the iOS emulator, and also on iOS8 devices. However, on iOS7 (iPhone 4S) and iOS6 (iPhone 3GS). The images do not show at all.
(Note: It works perfectly on most versions of Android devices and emulators that I have tested).
Other graphic assets fetched from ‘img/whatever’ all seem to load properly on all version of iOS, but the background image is the one causing a problems here.
Any idea what could be causing this?