CRUD database in "browser"

I’d like to use a CRUD system to manage my database, on all devices : app & browser.
i’m using SqlLite, It works with “ionic serve”, on app on devices. But when i launch ‘ionic run browser’, i have an error because it seems not possible to create a table.

When I read posts on the web, people say to you Ionic/storage but it’s a key/value dictionary and i can manage my datas with SQL requests.

Does anybody have a solution please ?

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No idea ?
Does the team is working on this issue ?

How are you using SQLite? Which plugins etc?

I’ve found this class :

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Platform} from 'ionic-angular';
import { CrewConstants } from '../../configuration/crew-constants';

const DB_NAME: string = CrewConstants.dbName;
const win: any = window;

export class Sql {
  private _dbPromise: Promise<any>;

  constructor(public platform: Platform) {
    this._dbPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      try {
        let _db: any;
        this.platform.ready().then(() => {
          if ('cordova') && win.sqlitePlugin) {
            _db = win.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({
              name: DB_NAME,
              location: 'default'
          } else {
            console.warn('Storage: SQLite plugin not installed, falling back to WebSQL. Make sure to install cordova-sqlite-storage in production!');
            _db = win.openDatabase(DB_NAME, '1.0', 'database', 5 * 1024 * 1024);
      } catch (err) {
        reject({err: err});

  // Initialize the DB with our required tables
  _tryInit() {
    this.query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kv (key text primary key, value text)').catch(err => {
      console.error('Storage: Unable to create initial storage tables', err.tx, err.err);

   * Perform an arbitrary SQL operation on the database. Use this method
   * to have full control over the underlying database through SQL operations
   * like SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE.
   * @param {string} query the query to run
   * @param {array} params the additional params to use for query placeholders
   * @return {Promise} that resolves or rejects with an object of the form { tx: Transaction, res: Result (or err)}
  query(query: string, params: any[] = []): Promise<any> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      try {
        this._dbPromise.then(db => {
          db.transaction((tx: any) => {
              tx.executeSql(query, params,
                (tx: any, res: any) => resolve({tx: tx, res: res}),
                (tx: any, err: any) => reject({tx: tx, err: err}));
            (err: any) => reject({err: err}));
      } catch (err) {
        reject({err: err});

   * Get the value in the database identified by the given key.
   * @param {string} key the key
   * @return {Promise} that resolves or rejects with an object of the form { tx: Transaction, res: Result (or err)}
  get(key: string): Promise<any> {
    return this.query('select key, value from kv where key = ? limit 1', [key]).then(data => {
      if (data.res.rows.length > 0) {
        return data.res.rows.item(0).value;

   * Set the value in the database for the given key. Existing values will be overwritten.
   * @param {string} key the key
   * @param {string} value The value (as a string)
   * @return {Promise} that resolves or rejects with an object of the form { tx: Transaction, res: Result (or err)}
  set(key: string, value: string): Promise<any> {
    return this.query('insert or replace into kv(key, value) values (?, ?)', [key, value]);

  getJson(key: string): Promise<any> {
    return this.get(key).then(value => {
      try {
        return JSON.parse(value);
      } catch (e) {
        throw e; // rethrowing exception so it can be handled with .catch()

  setJson(key: string, value: any): Promise<any> {
    try {
      return this.set(key, JSON.stringify(value));
    } catch (e) {
      return Promise.reject(e);

   * Remove the value in the database for the given key.
   * @param {string} key the key
   * @return {Promise} that resolves or rejects with an object of the form { tx: Transaction, res: Result (or err)}
  remove(key: string): Promise<any> {
    return this.query('delete from kv where key = ?', [key]);

   * Clear all keys/values of your database.
   * @return {Promise} that resolves or rejects with an object of the form { tx: Transaction, res: Result (or err)}
  clear(): Promise<any> {
    return this.query('delete from kv');

What is this? Did you also install something?