Crosswalk page transitions

I added the Crosswalk browser for Android to my Ionic project. The scrolling is faster but I discovered that the page transitions, done via changing the URL and utlizing $stateProvider sometimes just stagger and take several seconds to complete.

This seems to only happen when the view is not yet cached, but putting the template straight into the state definition (so it’s not fetched vie url) doesn’t help the situation at all. I don’t currently have a video to make this clear, but it should be fairly easy to replicate. I think the complexity of the list view and the complexity of the items in the list view makes a big difference.

Can anybody confirm that they are experiencing similar issues?

The Crosswalk version is 40, so it’s the latest at the time of writing this post.

Do you solve the problem already?

No I just reverted back to the ‘native’ browser.

Have the same problem after building app with crosswalk.
Was very disappointed that performance hardly became any better, and transitions became a disaster.
Still no luck finding solution. Don’t think going back to ‘native’ browser is a good idea since android 5 seems to be using the same standalone crosswalk webview (not sure about that but nexus 4 with lollipop shows as bad animation performance as crosswalk view)
8 cores 2GHz cpu, gpu, 5th! android version and still unusable hybrid apps…