Create an Ionic 2 Elastic Chat

Looking for someone to piece together an Ionic 2 Elastic chat similar to functionality shown here

Part of this was created by sababa in this directive shown below:

import {HostListener, Directive} from '@angular/core';
    selector: '[elastic]'
export class Elastic {
    onInput(nativeElement: any): void { = nativeElement.scrollHeight + "px";

This directive creates new lines similar to the codepen however the issue with this directive is that it does not delete lines when a user backspaces/deletes their text. Looking for someone to fix this issue. Leave a message here with your skype/email info if you can do this. Thank you.

Hello @robarada,
I have good experience in Ionic and would like to help you in this.
Check our themes and plugins in Ionic Market place
Add me on skype to discuss further.

Kind Regards,
skype: manish.osuniverse

I messaged you both.

I ended up figuring out the issue on my own. Thread is closed

Thanks for the update. It was nice talking with you on Skype.


Yes thank you Manish for understanding. He is a very nice guy