cordovaPinDialog - preventDefault (or similar)?

Hello, I am experimenting with cordovaPinDialog (ng-cordova wrapper version) and when the application resumes from the background, I am asking the user to re-enter the PIN.

However, it looks like the event handle is not passed back to me - the only things passed back in the ‘result’ variable is the text (PIN) and which button was pressed.

So I can’t call ‘preventDefault’ (or similar, as I assume this is a native dialog) if the password is wrong. What is the best way to not exit the dialog box if the password is wrong? do/while does not work as this is a promise.

Here is my resume code

            document.addEventListener("resume", function () {
               ZMDataModel.zmLog("App is resuming from background");
                .then ( function(data)
                     // do rest of app resume

            }, false);

Here is my validatePIN code:

validatePin: function()
            var d=$q.defer();
            if (loginData.usePin)
                zmDebug("Validating PIN...");
                var pinMatch = false;
                    $cordovaPinDialog.prompt ('Enter PIN', 'PIN Confirm', ["OK"])
                    .then( function (result)
                        if (result.input1 != loginData.pinCode)
                            displayBanner("error",["Invalid PIN. Please try again"]);
                            zmLog("Invalid PIN entered...");
                           // **** How do I prevent the dialog box from exiting here ?
                            pinMatch = true;
                            zmLog("Valid PIN entered");

                        function (error)
                            zmLog("PIN error handler. Should not come here");
                return (d.promise);
                zmDebug("No PIN set, skipping");