Cordova-sqlite-storage not working on mobile browser

Hi everyone! I’m using cordova-sqlite-storage in my ionic-3 project.
The plugin works well when I run my application in any browser from PC. Same thing when I run my application in android phone (not in browser but installing the apk).
The plugin doesn’t work when I run the application in browser from a MOBILE DEVICE (iphone or samsung galaxy). It doesn’t save and it doesn’t load any key.

Post some code and logs from console and maybe we will be able to help you :slight_smile:

i dont know if the problem is sqlite storage. U can try with this link:
login: pippo, password: pippo
then go to home and refresh page. U can see the setting icon in all posts created by pippo (from pc). If u access to website from your mobile phone, setting icon doesnt appear. I cant understand. the code linked to his visibility is:

<button [hidden]=" !== identificativoutente" ion-button block clear large item-start (click)="onModifica(result)"><ion-icon style='color:black' name="settings-outline"></ion-icon></button>

where is the creator of post and identificativoutente is the user logged in