Cordova plugin stuff would not run until I goto background and comeback

cordova plugin stuff would not run until I goto background and comeback.

no specific logs…

It just wouldnt do anything until I go to background and comaback.

When I get back from background, everything seems to be working good.

maybe you need to wait until you use native components until the device/ionic is ready:

I was using like below for every cordova functions…

// calling navigator geolocation or cordova plugins (socialSharing and such…)

perhaps should I use like below?

// calling navigator geolocation or cordova plugins (socialSharing and such…)

is $ionicPlatform.ready and ionic.Platform.ready are different?

nope it is the same :blush:

then, I really wonder why it does not work with those things…

some example code would be nice and a better example which plugin you are using…

Did you find out the root cause of this failure?. I have the same issue and can’t figure out what the issue is. I am using ionic 2 beta. And EmailComposer and PrintPDF plugins both behave the same way.

It works with a brand new project!. I am not sure what issue was. I created a new project, moved my pages in to this new projects and everything works fine. I was experimenting with various versions of different plugins. Probably messed up in the process.