Cordova-plugin-network-information on RC5 giving problems

Not sure what the issue is, but I upgraded to RC5 today. After ionic state reset, and ionic run android --prod, I cant get the device to register that a network is in fact there. I have uninstalled and reinstalled android platform.

Even when I run ionic serve android I get an error in the browser console main.js:359 Install the Network plugin: 'ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information' pluginWarn @ main.js:359

Any ideas?

Just to keep on top of this breaking issue for me, I updated Android SDK tools. I also tried several types of installation. Both with --prod flag and --dev flag and --device flags. All give the same outcome.

Solution: run npm i --save ionic-native@latest. Network.connection has now changed to Network.type.

I still get this warning Native: tried calling Network.type, but the Network plugin is not installed. pluginWarn @ main.js:354 main.js:359 Install the Network plugin: 'ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information' pluginWarn @ main.js:359