Cordova_not_available error when testing on device

I am trying to follow this guide -

Having followed the first section (up to around 4mins), I test the scan button from on my device and I get an error saying -

Runtime Error Uncaught (in promise): cordova_not_available

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling both ionic and cordova, but no luck. Also I run -

Cordova -v

And get a return saying version 8.0.0 is installed.

cordova_not_available error message showing on browser or device?

It was on both.
Have resolved the issue now, sort of. I have to rebuild before I run it each time. Also using -l at the end when I run means cordova doesn’t work.

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Did you install Cordova right? Did it installed properly? Maybe resinstall:
npm install -g cordova
And after that:
ionic cordova build ios or ionic cordova build android

I thought that may be the case, so I did try to reinstall but no changes.
Only solution I have found that works is to build after every change, then run android, without the -l