Cordova Contact Plugin: abid doesn't work for whatsapp if sim card number is different from whatsapp number

Hi everyone,

I have a special case I need your help with. Please guide if you have any clue.

I’m using cordova-contact-plugin in my Ionic App. I save new contacts in to the address book using method which gives me ‘id’ of newly created contact. I use this ‘id’ as ‘abid’ in URL scheme for Whatsapp to open Whatsapp chat for that contact. This all works good if both (a) my Whatsapp account phone number, and (b) my sim card number are same. But if I have a different sim card number than the one I’m using in my Whatsapp account then method still save the new contact in address book and returns its ‘id’ but that ‘id’ doesn’t work as correct ‘abid’ for Whatsapp URL scheme.

Any help would be highly appreciated.


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hey @digitalbrains, I hope you are facing with Whatsapp, if you don’t know 2 whatsapp accounts in one single phone is also possible. yes… !! May be in original whatsapp its not possible, This all works good if both (a) my **Whatsapp account phone numbers ,but only when you download fmwhatsapp app, Reference :

As I had read this in some blog, I used the references in link above to find the solution better…

Unfortunately I wont be able to offer a work-around for this specific edge case. I wish you luck in finding the answer to your question. If you do, please come back and update the post to let us know. In the meantime, I am going to close this question until someone re-opens it with additional input.